
Buttons allow users to perform actions within a surface. They can be used alone for immediate action, or as a trigger for another component, like Dropdown or Popover.

also known as Action, CTA

a red button that says Save

Usage guidelines

When to use
  • Communicating an action that will occur.
  • Triggering or enabling an action, such as submitting requested information.
  • Progressing or regressing a user through a step in a flow.
When not to use
  • Directing users to a new page or different part within the same page.
  • Limited space available. Consider using an IconButton instead.

Best practices

  • Place primary buttons to the right or top of other buttons when in a button group.
  • Keep elements inside a button container grouped. Label text and icons should remain centered when the Button width increases.
  • Avoid using multiple button sizes in the same experience.
  • If necessary, adjust the button placement and size when scaling from large screens to small screens.

For general Button best practices, refer to the Button web documentation.


People use Apple’s accessibility features, such as reduced transparency, VoiceOver, and increased text size to personalize how they interact with their device. Supporting these personalizations ensures that everyone has a great user experience. See Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines and API documentation about accessibility for iOS:

Design tokens




Mobile buttons are available in 2 sizes. The Button text always use $font-size-300 token (16sp).

  1. lg (60px)
    Large should be primarily used on Pinner, business and internal surfaces.
  2. sm (44px)
    Small should be used sparingly and only in places where the UI is very dense.


  1. Inline (default)
    Inline is our default button width. The width of an inline Button is based on the length of its text. Use in most cases where you need a Button.
  2. Full-width (fullWidth)
    Full-width Buttons can be used in narrower content areas when the text in the Button is close to full width in the content area.


For more information on color, icons, roles, and states, refer to the web Button documentation

  1. Red (Primary)
    High emphasis, used for primary actions.
  2. Blue (Primary in shopping context)
    The blue Button is only intended for the shopping experience and is used for primary shopping actions.
  3. Gray (Secondary)
    Medium emphasis, used for secondary actions.
  4. Transparent (Tertiary)
    Low emphasis when placed on dark/image backgrounds, used for tertiary actions in that context. Note, this treatment should be used with caution as it has potential color contrast issues.






  1. Disabled
    Used to block user interaction such as hover, focus and click. Disabled Buttons are completely unreachable by a keyboard and screenreader, so do not attach Tooltips to disabled Buttons.
  2. Selected
    When Button is used to toggle a boolean state or control the visibility of other elements (e.g. Dropdown).





  • If your object is already described on the screen, Buttons only need a verb (Example: Save).
  • If your object isn’t described on the screen, Buttons need a verb + the object (Example: Create Pin).
  • Use fewer than 3 words.
  • Use sentence case.
  • Do not use punctuation.

For writing best practices, refer to the web Button documentation.


For RTL (right-to-left) languages, the layout of the button is mirrored. The icon is placed on the right side of the text.

  • ButtonGroup
    ButtonGroup is used to display a series of buttons with similar actions.
  • IconButton
    IconButton allows users to take actions and make choices with a single click or tap.