Design contributions overview

A design contribution is any design proposal that's completed and approved for compliant release through the Gestalt Design System for other teams to reuse. To get started, all you need is a design in Figma.

Screenshot of the Slack interface with the link to the contribution form circled in red.

Note: Design contributions can only be made by Pinterest employees at the moment.

Quick-start guide

One step to contribute

  • One step to get started: Complete the intake form in #gestalt-design
    , Opens a new tab
  • All you need is a Figma link for your design—your contribution doesn't need to be finalized or componentized. You’ll have a chance to answer “how done is this design” when submitting. For further tips on getting your design closer to completion, go to Contribution types and criteria

What happens next?

  1. Your form responses are automatically posted in #gestalt-design
    , Opens a new tab
    as a thread to discuss your request with the Gestalt Team
  2. A Gestalt On-Call designer reviews your request and responds within two business days
  3. Gestalt designers co-design with the submitter, using validation checklists, component best practices and Figma templates
  4. Approval with all parties
  5. Published to the Gestalt Figma library as a compliant component

Contribution deep dive

Are you the type of person who wants all of the details? Then head over to: