
Gestalt offers specific training for designers and cross-functional partners to advance their knowledge of Pinterest's Design System: Gestalt—fundamentals and workshops on relevant topics to reinforce systems mindset and design quality.

Available sessions

Intro to Gestalt

All new design hires spend their first week learning the Pinterest ropes in Pintro, our company-wide onboarding program run by Learning & Development. It includes the Intro to Gestalt Design Systems, held monthly. If you are a new designer hire and didn't get an invite, make sure to chat with your manager, or reach out to us


Key takeways

  • How to use the Gestalt Design System as a single source of truth
  • How to ask questions and propose changes to the team
  • How the Gestalt team is here to support you

Common questions

  1. I'm not a new hire, can I still take the Intro to Gestalt onboarding class?
    Yes, you can! A refresher it is always a good idea. Make sure to look at the upcoming events, reach out to us
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    for an invite.
  2. I already attended this class, can I attend it one more time?
    Yes. Let us know
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    , and we can add you to the next session.
  3. Is this training exclusive to Product designers?
    No. This training applies to all designers roles, no matter your area within Pinterest.
  4. Can I provide feedback on this training?
    Yes, please! After the training you will receive a survey link and asked to provide feedback and suggestions.

Accessibility training for designers

As designers, we must ensure that everyone can access what we create, despite their background, knowledge base, or ability. Accessible design improves the digital experience for all users. Gestalt offers an accessibility training formatted for designers to support inclusive efforts and to reinforce creating belonging at Pinterest.

You can watch the Accessibility training for designers

anytime on PinU.

Key takeways

  • Understand basic accessible and inclusive design principles
  • How to design following accessibility principles
  • How to use a screen reader

Common questions

  1. I'm not a designer, can I still take this training?
    Yes, you can. We believe accessibility is everyone's job, no matter your role!
  2. Is this training exclusive to Product designers?
    It was formatted for design needs; however, we believe accessibility applies to all roles, no matter your area within Pinterest.
  3. Can I provide feedback on this training?
    Yes, please! After the training you will receive a survey link and asked to provide feedback and suggestions.

Gestalt mini tutorials

A series of mini-tutorials for designers to advance their knowledge of Gestalt components and their usage. The videos are avaialable on PinU Gestalt catalog

for you to watch at your convenience.

Key takeways

  • How to manipulate Gestalt components
  • How to use Figma efficiently

Common questions

  1. I'm not a designer; can I still access Gestalt learning path resources?
    Yes, you can if it is your interest.
  2. Are the videos going to be always available to watch?
    Yes. The Gestalt learning Path offers videos that will be available to watch as needed.
    Please note: We might update the videos if the software gets outdated and the tutorials no longer make sense.
  3. Can I add tutorials or contribute to the Gestalt learning path?
    Yes! We welcome contributions. Reach out to us
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    , and we can coordinate it.

Figma tips and tricks

In partnership with the Design Ops team and other designers, Gestalt offers hands-on training supporting craft and Figma tooling skill sets related to design systems usage. These pieces of training don't have a recurring day or time, so stay tuned for the next training by regularly checking #gestalt-design and #design-org channels.

Key takeways

  • How to use Gestalt components efficiently and speed up your workflow
  • How to get most of Figma when dealing with components
  • How to use Gestalt documentation to support your design

Common questions

  1. I'm not a designer, can I still take this training?
    This training is dedicated to designers as we go deeper into Figma features, tips, and tricks.
  2. I want to support Gestalt as a Figma instructor in one fo the upcoming classes. Is it possible?
    Yes if it relates to design systems. Reach out to us
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    and we will follow up with you to plan it together. If it isn't systems-related, reach out to the Design Ops team for guidance.
  3. Can I provide feedback on this training?
    Yes, please! We will provide a space for feedback and notes during the training.