IconButtonLink is mainly used as navigational element.
Usage guidelines
See IconButton for usage guidelines.
Active state
IconButtonLink has an "active" state that visually identifies it. To set them to "active" set 'active="page"' (page redirect). Use routing hooks from React.Router or other frameworks to identify the current route. For example, if the current pathname matches the IconButtonLink href, set IconButtonLink to "page". Use the example below as a reference.
import React from 'react'; import { Flex, IconButtonLink } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const reactRouterPath = '/iconbuttonlink'; return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit the Gestalt documentation" active={reactRouterPath === '/iconbuttonlink' ? 'page' : undefined} href="https://gestalt.pinterest.systems/web/iconbuttonlink#Active-item" icon="visit" onClick={({ event, dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation }) => { event.preventDefault(); dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation(); }} target="blank" /> </Flex> ); }
Be sure to localize all text strings. Note that localization can lengthen text by 20 to 30 percent.
import { DefaultLabelProvider, Flex, IconButtonLink } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <DefaultLabelProvider labels={{ Link: { accessibilityNewTabLabel: 'Öffnet eine neue Browser-Registerkarte.', accessibilityDownloadLabel: 'Es lädt eine Datei herunter.', }, }} > <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="" href="#" icon="visit" onClick={({ event, dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation }) => { event.preventDefault(); dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation(); }} target="blank" tooltip={{ text: 'Besuchen Sie Pinterest' }} /> </Flex> </DefaultLabelProvider> ); }
See IconButton for more variants.
IconButton's appearance can be modified by the following states:
Disabled state, used to indicate that the button is not currently available for interaction.
import React from 'react'; import { Flex, IconButtonLink } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit the Gestalt documentation" href="https://gestalt.pinterest.systems/web/iconbuttonlink#Active-item" icon="visit" onClick={({ event, dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation }) => { event.preventDefault(); dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation(); }} target="blank" /> </Flex> ); }
import React from 'react'; import { Flex, IconButtonLink } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const reactRouterPath = '/iconbuttonlink'; return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit the Gestalt documentation" active={reactRouterPath === '/iconbuttonlink' ? 'page' : undefined} href="https://gestalt.pinterest.systems/web/iconbuttonlink#Active-item" icon="visit" onClick={({ event, dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation }) => { event.preventDefault(); dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation(); }} target="blank" /> </Flex> ); }
import React from 'react'; import { Flex, IconButtonLink } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const reactRouterPath = '/iconbuttonlink'; return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit the Gestalt documentation" disabled href="https://gestalt.pinterest.systems/web/iconbuttonlink#Active-item" icon="visit" onClick={({ event, dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation }) => { event.preventDefault(); dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation(); }} target="blank" /> <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit the Gestalt documentation" active={reactRouterPath === '/iconbuttonlink' ? 'page' : undefined} disabled href="https://gestalt.pinterest.systems/web/iconbuttonlink#Active-item" icon="visit" onClick={({ event, dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation }) => { event.preventDefault(); dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation(); }} target="blank" /> </Flex> ); }
Focus ring on dark backgrounds
IconButtonLink can be used on dark backgrounds. The focus ring is visible on dark backgrounds to ensure accessibility.
import { Box, Flex, IconButtonLink } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Flex gap={6}> <Flex direction="column" gap={6}> <Flex direction="column"> <Box alignItems="center" dangerouslySetInlineStyle={{ __style: { backgroundImage: 'url("https://i.ibb.co/rcdDzVh/image.png")', }, }} display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Go to Pinterest" focusColor="lightBackground" href="www.pinterest.com" icon="visit" iconColor="red" tooltip={{ accessibilityLabel: 'Go to Pinterest', text: 'Go to Pinterest', idealDirection: 'up', }} /> </Box> focusColor="lightBackground" </Flex> <Flex direction="column"> <Box alignItems="center" dangerouslySetInlineStyle={{ __style: { backgroundImage: 'url("https://i.ibb.co/DC0sQrx/image.png")', }, }} display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Go to Pinterest" focusColor="darkBackground" href="www.pinterest.com" icon="visit" iconColor="red" tooltip={{ accessibilityLabel: 'Go to Pinterest', text: 'Go to Pinterest', idealDirection: 'up', }} /> </Box> focusColor="darkBackground" </Flex> </Flex> <Flex direction="column" gap={6}> <Flex direction="column"> <Box alignItems="center" dangerouslySetInlineStyle={{ __style: { backgroundImage: 'url("https://i.ibb.co/rcdDzVh/image.png")', }, }} display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Go to Pinterest" focusColor="lightBackground" href="www.pinterest.com" icon="visit" iconColor="red" tooltip={{ accessibilityLabel: 'Go to Pinterest', text: 'Go to Pinterest', idealDirection: 'up', }} /> </Box> focusColor="lightBackground" </Flex> <Flex direction="column"> <Box alignItems="center" dangerouslySetInlineStyle={{ __style: { backgroundImage: 'url("https://i.ibb.co/DC0sQrx/image.png")', }, }} display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <IconButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Go to Pinterest" focusColor="darkBackground" href="www.pinterest.com" icon="visit" iconColor="red" tooltip={{ accessibilityLabel: 'Go to Pinterest', text: 'Go to Pinterest', idealDirection: 'up', }} /> </Box> focusColor="darkBackground" </Flex> </Flex> </Flex> ); }
External handlers
IconButtonLink consumes external handlers from GlobalEventsHandlerProvider.
- onNavigation: executed when IconButtonLink is clicked
See GlobalEventsHandlerProvider for more information.
Component quality checklist
Quality item | Status | Status description |
Figma Library | Ready | Component is available in Figma for web and mobile web. |
Responsive Web | Ready | Component responds to changing viewport sizes in web and mobile web. |
Internal documentation
GlobalEventsHandlerProvider allows external link navigation control across all children components with link behavior.
GlobalEventsHandlerProvider to learn more about link navigation.