Usage guidelines
- In a list, form or table, to present users with multiple, related options where only one option can be selected.
- When selection doesn’t take immediate effect and requires form submission.
- Situations where users can select multiple options. Use Checkbox instead.
- When there is only one item to select or deselect. Use Checkbox instead.
- When a selection takes immediate effect, especially on mobile. Use Switch instead.
- When it is visually difficult to observe that RadioGroup turns something on or off. Use Switch instead.
Best Practices
Use RadioGroup to select only one option from a list of 2 or more items.
Use RadioGroup to select multiple items.
Keep labels and legends clear and brief to avoid too many lines of text that are hard to scan and slow the user down. If clarification is needed, use
IconButtons with Tooltips or helperText
Use lengthy text that truncates and doesn’t offer clear instructions for how to make a selection.
Use RadioGroup when you need a clear answer to a binary question that requires form submission.
Use a RadioGroup to turn a state on and off with immediate effect on mobile; use Switch instead.
Each RadioButton in a RadioGroup should have a label that can be read by screen readers, and that can be clicked or tapped to make it easier for users to select and deselect options. Therefore, make sure to supply the label prop. If that’s not possible, make sure your standalone Label has an htmlFor
prop that matches the id
of the RadioButton. Test that a RadioButton and label are properly connected by clicking or tapping on the label and confirming that it activates the RadioButton next to it.
Each RadioGroup should have a legend
that clearly delineates what is being chosen. If you cannot use the provided legend styling, legendDisplay
can be set to hidden
, and an alternative legend can be displayed. See the
legend visibility variant for an example.
Keyboard interaction
After focus has been set on the first RadioButton inside a RadioGroup, the arrow keys are used to cycle focus between the various options. Clicking or tapping the label of RadioButton should also focus that particular RadioButton. All RadioGroup.RadioButtons within a RadioGroup should share the same name
to ensure keyboard accessibility, but that name
needs to be unique from other RadioGroup buttons on the page.
Be sure to localize all text strings. Note that localization can lengthen text by 20 to 30 percent.
Be mindful of label length so that it doesn’t truncate in languages with lengthier character counts.
Use RadioGroup.RadioButtons to present an option for selection to the user within a RadioGroup. They should not be used outside of RadioGroup or when the user can select more than one option from a list.
RadioGroup.RadioButton Props
RadioGroups can be shown in a column or row by specifying the direction
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Flex, RadioGroup } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonExample() { const [favorite, setFavorite] = useState(''); const [favoriteFood, setFavoriteFood] = useState(''); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Flex gap={8} wrap> <RadioGroup id="directionExample-1" legend="What is your favorite pet?"> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favorite === 'dogs'} id="favoriteDog" label="Dogs" name="favorite" onChange={() => setFavorite('dogs')} value="dogs" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favorite === 'cats'} id="favoriteCat" label="Cats" name="favorite" onChange={() => setFavorite('cats')} value="cats" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favorite === 'plants'} id="favoritePlants" label="Plants" name="favorite" onChange={() => setFavorite('plants')} value="plants" /> </RadioGroup> <RadioGroup direction="row" errorMessage="Please select one" id="directionExample" legend="What is your favorite snack?" > <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favoriteFood === 'pizza'} id="favoritePizza" label="Pizza" name="favoriteFood" onChange={() => setFavoriteFood('pizza')} value="pizza" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favoriteFood === 'curry'} id="favoriteCurry" label="Curry" name="favoriteFood" onChange={() => setFavoriteFood('curry')} value="curry" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favoriteFood === 'sushi'} id="favoriteSushi" label="Sushi" name="favoriteFood" onChange={() => setFavoriteFood('sushi')} value="sushi" /> </RadioGroup> </Flex> </Box> ); }
RadioButtons can be either sm
(16px) or md
(24px), which is the default.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Flex, RadioGroup } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonExample() { const [favorite, setFavorite] = useState(''); const [favoriteFood, setFavoriteFood] = useState(''); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Flex gap={{ column: 0, row: 8 }}> <RadioGroup errorMessage="Please select one" id="sizeExample" legend="What is your favorite snack?" > <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favorite === 'pizza'} id="favoriteSizePizzaSm" label="Pizza" name="favoriteFoodSm" onChange={() => setFavorite('pizza')} size="sm" value="pizza" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favorite === 'curry'} id="favoriteSizeCurrySm" label="Curry" name="favoriteFoodSm" onChange={() => setFavorite('curry')} size="sm" value="curry" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favorite === 'sushi'} id="favoriteSizeSushiSm" label="Sushi" name="favoriteFoodSm" onChange={() => setFavorite('sushi')} size="sm" value="sushi" /> </RadioGroup> <RadioGroup errorMessage="Please select one" id="sizeExampleMd" legend="What is your favorite snack?" > <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favoriteFood === 'pizza'} id="favoriteSizePizza" label="Pizza" name="favoriteFood-size" onChange={() => setFavoriteFood('pizza')} value="pizza" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favoriteFood === 'curry'} id="favoriteSizeCurry" label="Curry" name="favoriteFood-size" onChange={() => setFavoriteFood('curry')} value="curry" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favoriteFood === 'sushi'} id="favoriteSizeSushi" label="Sushi" name="favoriteFood-size" onChange={() => setFavoriteFood('sushi')} value="sushi" /> </RadioGroup> </Flex> </Box> ); }
Disabled RadioButtons cannot be accessed by the keyboard and therefore should not contain any necessary info to complete the choice presented.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, RadioGroup } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonExample() { const [state, setState] = useState('checked'); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <RadioGroup id="rowExample" legend="Which state is your favorite?"> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={false} id="unchecked" label="Unchecked" name="stateExample" onChange={() => setState('unchecked')} value="unchecked" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={state === 'checked'} id="checked" label="Checked" name="stateExample" onChange={() => setState('checked')} value="checked" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={false} disabled id="uncheckedDisabled" label="Unchecked and disabled" name="stateExample" onChange={() => setState('uncheckedDisabled')} value="uncheckedDisabled" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked disabled id="checkedDisabled" label="Checked and disabled" name="stateExample" onChange={() => setState('checkedDisabled')} value="checkedDisabled" /> </RadioGroup> </Box> ); }
With helperText
Use helperText
to provide extra context or information for each option.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, RadioGroup } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonExample() { const [availability, setAvailability] = useState(''); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <RadioGroup id="helperTextExample" legend="Which time slot works best for you?" > <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={availability === 'monday'} helperText="Morning and afternoon" id="monday" label="Monday" name="Availability" onChange={() => setAvailability('monday')} value="monday" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={availability === 'tuesday'} helperText="Morning, afternoon, and evening" id="tuesday" label="Tuesday" name="Availability" onChange={() => setAvailability('tuesday')} value="tuesday" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={availability === 'wednesday'} helperText="Evening only" id="Wednesday" label="Wednesday" name="Availability" onChange={() => setAvailability('wednesday')} value="wednesday" /> </RadioGroup> </Box> ); }
With Image
When including images, you can use the helperText
property to clearly describe the information being presented by the image, or use the image's alt
text to provide more context.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Image, RadioGroup } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonExample() { const [artPreference, setArtPreference] = useState(''); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <RadioGroup id="imageExample" legend="Pick a placeholder image"> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={artPreference === 'coral'} helperText="Botanical art in coral and green" id="coral" image={ <Box height={100} width={80}> <Image alt="Botanical art in coral and green" fit="cover" naturalHeight={1} naturalWidth={1} src="" /> </Box> } label="Coral" name="Art Preference" onChange={() => setArtPreference('coral')} value="coral" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={artPreference === 'blue'} helperText="Typography and shoe in blue" id="blue" image={ <Box height={100} width={80}> <Image alt="Typography and shoe in blue" fit="cover" naturalHeight={1} naturalWidth={1} src="" /> </Box> } label="Blue" name="Art Preference" onChange={() => setArtPreference('blue')} value="blue" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={artPreference === 'green'} helperText="Abstract art in green" id="green" image={ <Box height={100} width={80}> <Image alt="Abstract art in green" fit="cover" naturalHeight={1} naturalWidth={1} src="" /> </Box> } label="Green" name="Art Preference" onChange={() => setArtPreference('green')} value="green" /> </RadioGroup> </Box> ); }
With an error
Use errorMessage
to show an error message below the radio options.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, RadioGroup } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonExample() { const [availability, setAvailability] = useState(''); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <RadioGroup errorMessage="Please select one" id="VariantWithErrorMessage" legend="Which time slot works best for you?" > <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={availability === 'monday'} helperText="Morning and afternoon" id="mondayError" label="Monday" name="Availability with error" onChange={() => setAvailability('monday')} value="monday" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={availability === 'tuesday'} helperText="Morning, afternoon, and evening" id="tuesdayError" label="Tuesday" name="Availability with error" onChange={() => setAvailability('tuesday')} value="tuesday" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={availability === 'wednesday'} helperText="Evening only" id="WednesdayError" label="Wednesday" name="Availability with error" onChange={() => setAvailability('wednesday')} value="wednesday" /> </RadioGroup> </Box> ); }
With custom labels
The label
on RadioGroup.RadioButton can be replaced with a custom
Label, as demonstrated below. Ensure the htmlFor
property matches the id
on the RadioButton.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Flex, IconButton, Label, RadioGroup, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonExample() { const [favorite, setFavorite] = useState(''); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <RadioGroup id="bestPracticeBudget" legend="Campaign budget"> <Flex alignItems="center" gap={{ row: 2, column: 0 }}> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favorite === 'daily'} id="daily-label-ex-custom" name="budget-custom-label" onChange={() => setFavorite('daily')} value="daily" /> <Label htmlFor="daily-label-ex-custom"> <Flex alignItems="center"> <Text>Daily</Text> <IconButton accessibilityLabel="info" icon="info-circle" iconColor="gray" size="sm" tooltip={{ text: 'Sets a cap for the amount your campaign can spend each day', }} /> </Flex> </Label> </Flex> <Flex alignItems="center" gap={{ row: 2, column: 0 }}> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={favorite === 'lifetime'} id="lifetime-label-ex-custom" name="budget-custom-label" onChange={() => setFavorite('lifetime')} value="lifetime" /> <Label htmlFor="lifetime-label-ex-custom"> <Flex alignItems="center"> <Text>Lifetime</Text> <IconButton accessibilityLabel="info" icon="info-circle" iconColor="gray" size="sm" tooltip={{ text: 'Sets a cap for the amount your campaign can spend over the course of its lifetime', }} /> </Flex> </Label> </Flex> </RadioGroup> </Box> ); }
Legend visibility
By default, the legend
is visible above the items in the RadioGroup. However, if the form items are labeled by content elsewhere on the page, or a more complex legend is needed, the legendDisplay
prop can be used to visually hide the legend
. In this case, it is still available to screen reader users, but will not appear visually on the screen.
In the example below, the "Primary company account goal" text is acting as a heading and a legend for the radio buttons, so instead of repeating another legend, we visually hide the RadioGroup legend
. When a user focuses on the first radio, a screen reader will announce "Sell more products, radio button, 1 of 3, Primary company account goal, group".
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Flex, Heading, Link, RadioGroup, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonExample() { const [goal, setGoal] = useState(''); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Flex direction="column" gap={{ column: 4, row: 0 }}> <Flex direction="column" gap={{ column: 2, row: 0 }}> <Heading size="400">Primary company account goal</Heading> <Text size="200"> Choose your primary goal for this account to help us better understand your needs <Text inline size="200" weight="bold"> <Link display="inline" href="" target="blank" > Additional information </Link> </Text> </Text> </Flex> <RadioGroup id="legendExample" legend="Primary company account goal" legendDisplay="hidden" > <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={goal === 'sell'} id="sell" label="Sell more products" name="account goals" onChange={() => setGoal('sell')} value="sell" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={goal === 'leads'} id="leads" label="Generate more leads for the company" name="account goals" onChange={() => setGoal('leads')} value="leads" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton checked={goal === 'interest'} id="interest" label="Create content on Pinterest to attract an audience" name="account goals" onChange={() => setGoal('interest')} value="interest" /> </RadioGroup> </Flex> </Box> ); }
With Badge
The badge
prop can be used to add a badge to the RadioButton.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, RadioGroup } from 'gestalt'; export default function RadioButtonBadgeExample() { const [option, setOption] = useState(''); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <RadioGroup id="badgeExample" legend="What badge would you like?"> <RadioGroup.RadioButton badge={{ text: 'badge', type: 'success' }} checked={option === 'success'} id="success" label="I'd like a success badge" onChange={() => { setOption('success'); }} value="success" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton badge={{ text: 'badge', type: 'info' }} checked={option === 'info'} id="info" label="I'd like a info badge" onChange={() => { setOption('info'); }} value="info" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton badge={{ text: 'badge', type: 'warning' }} checked={option === 'warning'} id="warning" label="I'd like a warning badge" onChange={() => { setOption('warning'); }} value="warning" /> <RadioGroup.RadioButton badge={{ text: 'badge', type: 'neutral' }} checked={option === 'neutral'} id="neutral" label="I'd like a neutral badge" onChange={() => { setOption('neutral'); }} value="neutral" /> </RadioGroup> </Box> ); }
- Be brief with RadioGroup button labels so they are easily scanned.
- Error messages should be simple, clear and direct without negative, overly clever and technical language.
- A good error message: “To continue you must select one item from this list.”
- Include lengthy text labels that make it hard for a user to scan a list of choices.
- Write error messages that are overly-technical, long, negative, and too clever.
- A not-so-great error message: “Hey there, nice try, but not selecting something is baaaad. Bad as in bad. Per error code i-five, you must select a choice from this boolean”.
Use when presenting a user with a list of choices where multiple options can be selected.
Use for single-cell options that can be turned on or off. Examples include a list of settings that take effect immediately without having to confirm form submission.
Fieldset is used under the hood of RadioGroup to ensure accessible groups of radio buttons.