Checkbox is used for multiple choice selection. They are independent of each other in a list, and therefore, different from RadioButton, one selection does not affect other checkboxes in the same list.
Usage guidelines
- In a list, form or a Table, to present users with multiple, related options where more than one option can be selected. Users must be able to select all, none or some of the presented options.
- In a Form, along with a TextField, or other spaces that are too small for a Switch
- When selection doesn’t take immediate effect and requires form submission
- Situations where users can only choose one out of multiple, related options. Use RadioGroup instead.
- When a selection takes immediate effect, especially on mobile. Use Switch instead.
- When visually, it’s hard to tell that a checkbox turns something on or off. Use Switch instead.
Best practices
Use checkboxes for multi-selection of related list items
Use checkboxes for one selection. Use RadioGroup instead.
Use a single Checkbox in forms where the selection only takes effect after submitting the form
Use a Checkbox to turn a state on and off with immediate effect. Use Switch instead.
Keep labels and legends clear and brief to avoid too many lines of text that are hard to scan and slow the user down. If clarification is needed, use info Tooltips or helperText.
Use lengthy text that truncates and doesn’t offer clear instructions for what you are expected to select
Use Checkbox at the start of a table row to make it clear which rows are multi-selectable
Use numerous checkboxes in table rows that make it hard to tell what items apply to multi-select actions
Use vertical alignment of multi-line labels so that the first line is vertically centered with the checkbox input
Vertically center checkbox inputs with their respective custom labels
Checkboxes should have labels that can be read by screen readers, and that can be clicked or tapped to make it easier for users to select and deselect options. Therefore, make sure to supply the label
prop. If that’s not possible, make sure your standalone Label has an htmlFor
prop that matches the id
of the checkbox. Test that a checkbox and label are properly connected by clicking or tapping on the label and confirming that it activates the checkbox next to it.
If Checkbox is labeled by content elsewhere on the page, or a more complex label is needed, the labelDisplay
prop can be used to visually hide the label. In this case, it is still available to screen reader users, but will not appear visually on the screen. See the
Label visibility example for more detail.
All groups of related Checkboxes should have a legend, which is provided by wrapping them in Fieldset component.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Checkbox, Fieldset, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const [checkedEn, setCheckedEn] = useState(false); const [checkedSp, setCheckedSp] = useState(false); const [checkedCh, setCheckedCh] = useState(false); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Fieldset legend="What languages would you like to learn?"> <Flex direction="column" gap={{ column: 2, row: 0 }}> <Checkbox checked={checkedEn} id="english" label="English" name="english" onChange={({ checked }) => setCheckedEn(checked)} /> <Checkbox checked={checkedSp} id="spanish" label="Spanish" name="spanish" onChange={({ checked }) => setCheckedSp(checked)} /> <Checkbox checked={checkedCh} id="chinese" label="Chinese" name="chinese" onChange={({ checked }) => setCheckedCh(checked)} /> </Flex> </Fieldset> </Box> ); }
Checkbox has conventional keyboard support.
- Users relying on the keyboard expect to move focus to each Checkbox by using the tab key or shift+tab when moving backwards
- Setting
will prevent Checkbox from receiving keyboard focus or input
In order to ensure proper tab order, wrap a group of related Checkboxes in Fieldset.
Error message
Checkbox’s error state displays an error-themed color border. Checkbox must always show an error message to indicate error status to ensure color is not the only indicator of status or information. Use errorMessage
prop to display the appropriate error message that helps the user resolve the problem. Error messages should be clear, direct and conversational. For an example, see
import { Checkbox, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function CheckboxExample() { return ( <Flex alignItems="start" direction="column" gap={6} height="100%" justifyContent="center" > <Checkbox errorMessage="You must agree to the Terms and Conditions" id="error" label="I agree to the Terms and Conditions" name="error" onChange={() => {}} /> <Checkbox checked errorMessage="You must read the privacy policy first!" id="error" label="I agree with the Privacy Policy" name="error" onChange={() => {}} /> </Flex> ); }
Be sure to localize all text strings. Note that localization can lengthen text by 20 to 30 percent.
Checkbox has size="sm"
(16px) and size='md'
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Checkbox, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const [checked1, setChecked1] = useState(false); const [checked2, setChecked2] = useState(false); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Flex gap={{ column: 0, row: 6 }}> <Checkbox checked={checked1} id="sm" label="Small size" onChange={({ checked }) => setChecked1(checked)} size="sm" /> <Checkbox checked={checked2} id="md" label="Medium size" onChange={({ checked }) => setChecked2(checked)} /> </Flex> </Box> ); }
Checkbox has unchecked, checked, error, indeterminate and disabled states.
Indeterminate is a state that is neither checked nor unchecked — e.g. a "Select all" checkbox when not all items are selected or unselected. Indeterminism is purely presentational - the value of a checkbox and its indeterminism are independent.
import { Box, Checkbox, Flex } from 'gestalt'; const noop = () => {}; export default function Example() { return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex direction="column" gap={4} height="100%" width="100%"> <Checkbox checked={false} helperText="Helper Text" id="Unchecked sm" label="Unchecked" onChange={noop} size="sm" /> <Checkbox checked={false} helperText="Helper Text" id="Unchecked md" label="Unchecked" onChange={noop} size="md" /> </Flex> </Box> ); }
import { Box, Checkbox, Flex } from 'gestalt'; const noop = () => {}; export default function Example() { return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex direction="column" gap={4} height="100%" width="100%"> <Checkbox checked helperText="Helper Text" id="Checked sm" label="Checked" onChange={noop} size="sm" /> <Checkbox checked helperText="Helper Text" id="Checked md" label="Checked" onChange={noop} size="md" /> </Flex> </Box> ); }
import { Box, Checkbox, Flex } from 'gestalt'; const noop = () => {}; export default function Example() { return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex direction="column" gap={4} height="100%" width="100%"> <Checkbox checked helperText="Helper Text" id="Indeterminate sm" indeterminate label="Indeterminate" onChange={noop} size="sm" /> <Checkbox checked helperText="Helper Text" id="Indeterminate md" indeterminate label="Indeterminate" onChange={noop} size="md" /> </Flex> </Box> ); }
import { Box, Checkbox, Flex } from 'gestalt'; const noop = () => {}; export default function Example() { return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex gap={8} height="100%" width="100%"> <Flex direction="column" gap={6}> <Checkbox checked={false} disabled helperText="Helper Text" id="Disabled sm" label="Disabled" onChange={noop} size="sm" /> <Checkbox checked disabled helperText="Helper Text" id="Disabled Checked sm" label="Disabled Checked" onChange={noop} size="sm" /> <Checkbox disabled helperText="Helper Text" id="Disabled indeterminate sm" indeterminate label="Disabled indeterminate " onChange={noop} size="sm" /> </Flex> <Flex direction="column" gap={6}> <Checkbox checked={false} disabled helperText="Helper Text" id="Disabled md" label="Disabled" onChange={noop} size="md" /> <Checkbox checked disabled helperText="Helper Text" id="Disabled Checked md" label="Disabled Checked" onChange={noop} size="md" /> <Checkbox disabled helperText="Helper Text" id="Disabled Indeterminate md" indeterminate label="Disabled indeterminate" onChange={noop} size="md" /> </Flex> </Flex> </Box> ); }
import { Box, Checkbox, Flex } from 'gestalt'; const noop = () => {}; export default function Example() { return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex gap={8} height="100%" width="100%"> <Flex direction="column" gap={6}> <Checkbox checked={false} errorMessage="Error Message" helperText="Helper Text" id="Error sm" label="Error" onChange={noop} size="sm" /> <Checkbox checked errorMessage="Error Message" helperText="Helper Text" id="Error Checked sm" label="Error Checked" onChange={noop} size="sm" /> <Checkbox errorMessage="Error Message" helperText="Helper Text" id="Error Indeterminate sm" indeterminate label="Error indeterminate" onChange={noop} size="sm" /> </Flex> <Flex direction="column" gap={6}> <Checkbox checked={false} errorMessage="Error Message" helperText="Helper Text" id="Error md" label="Error" onChange={noop} size="md" /> <Checkbox checked errorMessage="Error Message" helperText="Helper Text" id="Error Checked md" label="Error Checked" onChange={noop} size="md" /> <Checkbox errorMessage="Error Message" helperText="Helper Text" id="Error Indeterminate md" indeterminate label="Error indeterminate" onChange={noop} size="md" /> </Flex> </Flex> </Box> ); }
Helper text
Checkbox supports helperText
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Checkbox, Fieldset, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const [checkedEn, setCheckedEn] = useState(false); const [checkedSp, setCheckedSp] = useState(false); const [checkedCh, setCheckedCh] = useState(false); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Fieldset legend="What languages would you like to learn?"> <Flex direction="column" gap={{ column: 2, row: 0 }}> <Checkbox checked={checkedEn} helperText="USA, India, and Pakistan have the top number of English speakers " id="english-info" label="English" name="languages" onChange={({ checked }) => { setCheckedEn(checked); }} /> <Checkbox checked={checkedSp} helperText="Mexico, Colombia, and Spain are the top three Spanish-speaking countries" id="spanish-info" label="Spanish" name="languages" onChange={({ checked }) => { setCheckedSp(checked); }} /> <Checkbox checked={checkedCh} helperText="Chinese has many varieties, including Cantonese and Mandarin" id="chinese-info" label="Chinese" name="languages" onChange={({ checked }) => { setCheckedCh(checked); }} /> </Flex> </Fieldset> </Box> ); }
With Image
Checkbox supports images. When including images, you can use the helperText property to clearly describe the information being presented by the image, or use the image's alt text to provide more context.
Spacing is already accounted for; simply specify the width and height.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Checkbox, Fieldset, Flex, Image } from 'gestalt'; export default function CheckboxExample() { const [checkedCoral, setCheckedCoral] = useState(false); const [checkedBlue, setCheckedBlue] = useState(false); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Fieldset legend="Which backgrounds would you like to use?" legendDisplay="hidden" > <Flex direction="column" gap={{ column: 4, row: 0 }}> <Checkbox checked={checkedCoral} helperText="Botanical art in coral and green" id="coral" image={ <Box height={100} width={80}> <Image alt="Botanical art in coral and green" fit="contain" naturalHeight={1} naturalWidth={1} src="" /> </Box> } label="Coral" name="favorite art" onChange={({ checked }) => { setCheckedCoral(checked); }} /> <Checkbox checked={checkedBlue} helperText="Typography and shoe in blue" id="blue" image={ <Box height={100} width={80}> <Image alt="Typography and shoe in blue" fit="contain" naturalHeight={1} naturalWidth={1} src="" /> </Box> } label="Blue" name="favorite art" onChange={({ checked }) => { setCheckedBlue(checked); }} /> </Flex> </Fieldset> </Box> ); }
Label visibility
In some cases, the label for a Checkbox is represented in a different way visually, as demonstrated below. In these instances, you can set labelDisplay="hidden"
to ensure Checkbox is properly labeled for screen readers while using a different element to represent the label visually.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Checkbox, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const [checked1, setChecked1] = useState(false); const [checked2, setChecked2] = useState(true); const [checked3, setChecked3] = useState(true); return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Table accessibilityLabel="Campaign selection" maxHeight={200}> <Table.Header sticky> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={20}> <Checkbox checked={checked1} id="label-visibility-example-checkbox-1" label="Select Summertime picnic row" labelDisplay="hidden" onChange={({ checked }) => setChecked1(checked)} size="sm" /> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Summertime picnic</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={20}> <Checkbox checked={checked2} id="label-visibility-example-checkbox-2" label="Select Summer 1950 row" labelDisplay="hidden" onChange={({ checked }) => setChecked2(checked)} size="sm" /> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Summer 1950</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={20}> <Checkbox checked={checked3} id="label-visibility-example-checkbox-3" label="Select Back to school row" labelDisplay="hidden" onChange={({ checked }) => setChecked3(checked)} size="sm" /> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Back to school</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table.Body> </Table> </Box> ); }
- Be clear and brief with checkbox labels so they are easily scanned
- Include lengthy text labels that make it hard for a user to scan a list of choices
Component quality checklist
Quality item | Status | Status description |
Figma Library | Ready | Component is available in Figma for web and mobile web. |
Responsive Web | Ready | Component responds to changing viewport sizes in web and mobile web. |
Use when presenting a user with a list of choices for which there can only be one selection.
Use for single-cell options that can be turned on or off. Examples include a list of settings that take effect immediately without having to confirm Form submission.
Use to group a list of related Checkboxes with a legend that describes the list.