Table is a set of structured data that is easy for a user to scan, examine, and compare. Table data is displayed in a grid format and can be used to structure both interactive and static data.
also known as Data Table, Data Grid
Usage guidelines
- Displaying a set of structured data in a scannable way, that populates 2 or more rows.
- Allowing users to compare information in rows and columns.
- There will never be enough data to populate at least 2 rows.
- Displaying content that doesn’t follow a consistent pattern and can't be broken down into columns.
- Providing robust data that doesn't fit in a tabular format. If there is a need to display a more complex data relationship, consider an info-graphic or a non-tabular format.
Best practices
Use accessible Gestalt grays for table text, and reserve colors to sparingly accent important status and information. Avoid over-styling text.
Overuse color and styling for text in tables; it can make it hard to scan for important status updates and crucial information.
Align content so that it’s easy to scan, read and compare:
- Start-align text and combo-content (combinations of text, numbers and/or graphics)
- End-align numbers only
- Align headers with their corresponding content
- Use tabular lining for numbers
Align content so that it makes it harder to scan, read, and compare.
- Center-align content
- Use proportional figures for numbers as they don’t quite align
- End-align text and combo-content (combinations of text, numbers and/or graphics)
- Misalign headers with their corresponding content
Place unit type on a separate column so that amounts can still align and be compared.
Mix text and graphics with numbers that need to be compared with each other.
Make content digestible and scannable:
- Keep headers clear and concise
- Include an a visual indicator for cells that don’t have content.
- Give enough space for content to account for localization.
- Wrap important content to multiple lines
- Truncate secondary information, especially if a user is going to get the full content upon click of a link in the table.
Add so much content that it’s hard for a user to read, examine and scan:
- Don’t truncate content that a user needs to examine in relation to other content in the table.
- Leave cells blank so that it isn’t clear if all data has loaded.
Expand rows if the additional content is simple, doesn’t contain a lot of interaction and doesn’t take up more than 50% of the screen.
Use an expand to display dense, highly-interactive content. Use a new page or OverlayPanel for that.
Use accessibilityLabel
to properly announce the content of the table. For example, use "Campaign Status Information".
Don’t include the word “table” as part of the label to prevent redundancy: the VoiceOver already appends “table” to the label and the Category “Table” in the rotor already describes the nature of the component.
In terms of structure and content, HTML tables already provide accessible ways to navigate content via cells <td>
and headers <th>
The Tab key should only place the focus on interactive elements like sortable headers, expands and links. If a cell does not contain interactive content, tabbing should skip the cell. Enter, Space and Return activate buttons and other controls after focusing. Arrow keys can be used to scroll table content vertically and horizontally.
Other considerations
Internally, Gestalt Table implements visually-hidden
captions through the accessibilityLabel
prop. Therefore, if we want to add visual captions (at the top or bottom of the Table), we must prevent redundancy. Any top or bottom text that describes the Table should be removed from navigation using aria-hidden
See the examples below for more details.
import { Box, Checkbox, Flex, Label, Status, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; function HeaderRow({ id }) { return ( <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Box display="visuallyHidden"> <Label htmlFor={id}>Not all checkboxes are checked</Label> </Box> <Checkbox id={id} indeterminate onChange={() => {}} size="sm" /> </Table.HeaderCell> {['Status', 'Campaign'].map((title) => ( <Table.HeaderCell key={title}> <Text weight="bold">{title}</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> ))} </Table.Row> </Table.Header> ); } function BaseRow({ id, checked, disabled, type, text, subtext, campaign }) { return ( <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Checkbox checked={checked} disabled={disabled} id={`${id.replace(/ /g, '_').replace(/'/g, '')}_${text .replace(/ /g, '_') .replace(/'/g, '')}`} onChange={() => {}} size="sm" /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Status subtext={subtext} title={text} type={type} /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Label htmlFor={`${id.replace(/ /g, '_').replace(/'/g, '')}_${text .replace(/ /g, '_') .replace(/'/g, '')}`} > <Text color={disabled ? 'subtle' : 'default'}>{campaign}</Text> </Label> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> ); } export default function Example() { const tableID = 'Example of correct accessibility with top caption'; return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex direction="column" gap={{ column: 2, row: 0 }}> <Box aria-hidden> <Text size="400" weight="bold"> Your Campaigns Summary </Text> </Box> <Table accessibilityLabel="Your campaigns summary"> <HeaderRow id={tableID} /> <Table.Body> <BaseRow campaign="Engagement" checked id={tableID} subtext="Ends 11/20/2021" text="In progress" type="inProgress" /> <BaseRow campaign="Awareness" disabled id={tableID} subtext="Ends 11/20/2021" text="Paused" type="halted" /> <BaseRow campaign="Catalogs" checked id={tableID} subtext="Ends 11/20/2021" text="Warning" type="warning" /> <BaseRow campaign="Awareness" checked={false} id={tableID} subtext="Ends 11/20/2021" text="Complete" type="ok" /> </Table.Body> </Table> </Flex> </Box> ); }
import { Box, Checkbox, Flex, Label, Status, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; function HeaderRow({ id }) { return ( <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Box display="visuallyHidden"> <Label htmlFor={id}>Not all checkboxes are checked</Label> </Box> <Checkbox id={id} indeterminate onChange={() => {}} size="sm" /> </Table.HeaderCell> {['Status', 'Campaign'].map((title) => ( <Table.HeaderCell key={title}> <Text weight="bold">{title}</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> ))} </Table.Row> </Table.Header> ); } function BaseRow({ id, checked, disabled, type, text, subtext, campaign }) { return ( <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Checkbox checked={checked} disabled={disabled} id={`${id.replace(/ /g, '_').replace(/'/g, '')}_${text .replace(/ /g, '_') .replace(/'/g, '')}`} onChange={() => {}} size="sm" /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Status subtext={subtext} title={text} type={type} /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Label htmlFor={`${id.replace(/ /g, '_').replace(/'/g, '')}_${text .replace(/ /g, '_') .replace(/'/g, '')}`} > <Text color={disabled ? 'subtle' : 'default'}>{campaign}</Text> </Label> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> ); } export default function Example() { const tableID = 'Example of correct accessibility with bottom caption'; return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex direction="column" gap={{ column: 2, row: 0 }}> <Table accessibilityLabel="Your campaigns summary"> <HeaderRow id={tableID} /> <Table.Body> <BaseRow campaign="Engagement" checked id={tableID} subtext="Ends 11/20/2021" text="In progress" type="inProgress" /> <BaseRow campaign="Awareness" disabled id={tableID} subtext="Ends 11/20/2021" text="Paused" type="halted" /> <BaseRow campaign="Catalogs" checked id={tableID} subtext="Ends 11/20/2021" text="Warning" type="warning" /> <BaseRow campaign="Awareness" checked={false} id={tableID} subtext="Ends 11/20/2021" text="Complete" type="ok" /> </Table.Body> </Table> <Box aria-hidden> <Text align="center" size="100"> Your campaigns summary </Text> </Box> </Flex> </Box> ); }
Be sure to localize all text strings. Note that localization can lengthen text by 20 to 30 percent.
Follow our guidelines on concise content and headings to account for localization.
Wrap important table content instead of truncating. Use truncation only for secondary content, and include a tooltip to show the full text on hover.
Use Table.Header to group the header content in Table.
Table.Header Props
Use Table.Body to group the body content in Table.
Table.Body Props
Use Table.Footer to group the footer content in Table.
Use Table.Cell for individual table values.
Table.Cell Props
Use Table.HeaderCell to define a header cell in Table.
Table.HeaderCell Props
Use Table.SortableHeaderCell to define a header cell with sorting functionality in Table.
Table.SortableHeaderCell Props
Use Table.Row to define a row in Table.
Table.Row Props
Use Table.RowExpandable to define a row that expands and collapses additional content.
Table.RowExpandable Props
Use Table.RowDrawer to define a row drawer to display additional content.
Table.RowDrawer Props
import { Box, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Table accessibilityLabel="Sticky footer" maxHeight={200}> <Table.Header sticky> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Campaign</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Impression</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Cost</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spring season</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>10,000</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>$500</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Autumn season</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>10,000</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>$500</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Summer season</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>10,000</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>$500</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Winter season</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>10,000</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>$500</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table.Body> <Table.Footer sticky> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text weight="bold">Total</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text weight="bold">40,000</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text weight="bold">$2,000</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table.Footer> </Table> </Box> ); }
Sticky Column
Try scrolling horizontally to see the first column remain in place.
import { Box, Image, Mask, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Box width="60%"> <Table accessibilityLabel="Sticky Column" maxHeight={200} stickyColumns={1} > <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Image</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Super Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Favorite Food</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Best Friend</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Birthday</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Tony" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Tony Stark</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Iron Man</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Shawarma</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Box width={200}> <Text>May 29, 1970</Text> </Box> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Peter" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Peter Parker</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Sandwiches</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Iron Man</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>December 28, 1995</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="T'Challa" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>T'Challa</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Black Panther</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Beef suya</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Shuri</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>November 28, 1977</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table.Body> </Table> </Box> </Box> ); }
Multiple sticky columns
Try scrolling horizontally to see the first 3 columns remain in place.
import { Box, Image, Mask, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Box width="60%"> <Table accessibilityLabel="Multiple sticky columns" borderStyle="none" maxHeight={200} stickyColumns={3} > <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Image</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Super Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Best Friend</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Favorite Food</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Super Powers</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Home</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Aliases</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Tony" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Tony Stark</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Iron Man</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Shawarma</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Flight, Super strength</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>New York</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>N/A</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Peter" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Peter Parker</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Iron Man</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Sandwiches</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spidey senses, super strength, web shooters</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Brooklyn</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Wanda" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Wanda Maximoff</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Scarlet Witch</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Vision</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Chicken paprikash</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Chaos magic, spells, reality warping</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Sokovia</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>N/A</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Black Panther" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>T'Challa</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Black Panther</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Shuri</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Beef suya</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Enhanced strength, speed, reflexes + Vibranium suit</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Wakanda</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>King of the Dead</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table.Body> </Table> </Box> </Box> ); }
Sticky header and sticky columns
Try scrolling horizontally and vertically to see the columns and header remain in place.
import { Box, Image, Mask, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" padding={8} > <Box width="60%"> <Table accessibilityLabel="Sticky header and sticky columns" borderStyle="none" maxHeight={200} stickyColumns={3} > <Table.Header sticky> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Image</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Super Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Best Friend</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Favorite Food</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Super Powers</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Home</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Aliases</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Tony" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Tony Stark</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Iron Man</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Shawarma</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Flight, Super strength</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>New York</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>N/A</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Peter" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Peter Parker</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Iron Man</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Sandwiches</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spidey senses, super strength, web shooters</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Brooklyn</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Wanda" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Wanda Maximoff</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Scarlet Witch</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Vision</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Chicken paprikash</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Chaos magic, spells, reality warping</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Sokovia</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>N/A</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Box width={50}> <Mask rounding="circle"> <Image alt="Black Panther" naturalHeight={50} naturalWidth={50} src="" /> </Mask> </Box> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>T'Challa</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Black Panther</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Shuri</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Beef suya</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Enhanced strength, speed, reflexes + Vibranium suit</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Wakanda</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>King of the Dead</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table.Body> </Table> </Box> </Box> ); }
Controlled/Uncontrolled Table.RowExpandable
To set Table.RowExpandable to be a controlled component, use the expanded
prop. When expanded
is not passed (expanded
set to undefined), Table.RowExpandable stays uncontrolled. Use onExpand
prop to have access to the internal state of the component via render props ({ event, expanded }) => { expanded }
When Table.RowExpandable is uncontrolled, use the clickable expand/collapse icon button to hide/show the content.
Table.RowExpandable with Sticky Columns
When specifying stickyColumns
with expandable rows, include the column of arrows in your count. This example sets stickyColumns
to 3.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Avatar, Box, Link, Table, Text, WashAnimated } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const [textShown, setTextShown] = useState(false); const showTextOnExpand = () => <Text>Row expanded</Text>; return ( <Box margin="auto" padding={4} width="70%"> <Table accessibilityLabel="Table.RowExpandable with Sticky Columns" stickyColumns={3} > <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Box display="visuallyHidden"> <Text weight="bold">Open/Close row</Text> </Box> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Super Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Best Friend</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Favorite Food</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Home</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Alias</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Box width={200}> <Text weight="bold">Super Powers</Text> </Box> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.RowExpandable accessibilityCollapseLabel="Collapse" accessibilityExpandLabel="Expand" expandedContents={ <Box column={12} maxWidth={236} padding={2}> <WashAnimated image={ <Avatar name="tony avatar" src="" /> } > <Text align="center" weight="bold"> <Link href=""> <Box paddingX={3} paddingY={2}> Tony's Info </Box> </Link> </Text> {textShown && showTextOnExpand()} </WashAnimated> </Box> } id="row1" onExpand={() => setTextShown(!textShown)} > <Table.Cell> <Text>Tony Stark</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Iron Man</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Spiderman</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Shawarma</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>New York City</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>N/A</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Flight, Super strength</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.RowExpandable> <Table.RowExpandable accessibilityCollapseLabel="Collapse" accessibilityExpandLabel="Expand" expandedContents={ <Table accessibilityLabel="none"> <Table.Header sticky> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Name</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Relationship</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Vision</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Husband</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Wiccan</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Child</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Speed</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Child</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table.Body> </Table> } id="row2" > <Table.Cell> <Text>Wanda Maximoff</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Scarlet Witch</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Vision</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Chicken paprikash</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Sokovia</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Wanda Frank</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Chaos magic, spells, reality warping</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.RowExpandable> <Table.RowExpandable accessibilityCollapseLabel="Collapse" accessibilityExpandLabel="Expand" expandedContents={ <Box column={12} maxWidth={236} padding={2}> <WashAnimated image={ <Avatar name="Black panther avatar" src="" /> } > <Text align="center" weight="bold"> <Link href=""> <Box paddingX={3} paddingY={2}> Black Panther's Info </Box> </Link> </Text> </WashAnimated> </Box> } id="row3" > <Table.Cell> <Text>T'Challa</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Black Panther</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Shuri</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Beef suya</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Wakana</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>King of the Dead</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Enhanced strength, speed, reflexes + Vibranium suit</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.RowExpandable> </Table.Body> </Table> </Box> ); }
Table.RowDrawer implementation
Drawer row that is able to hold additional content.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { BannerSlim, Box, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const [showdrawer, setShowDrawer] = useState(true); return ( <Box width="100%"> <Table accessibilityLabel="Table.RowDrawer example"> <colgroup> <col span="1" style={{ width: '60%' }} /> <col span="1" style={{ width: '15%' }} /> <col span="1" style={{ width: '15%' }} /> <col span="1" style={{ width: '15%' }} /> </colgroup> <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Campaign</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text align="forceRight" weight="bold"> Spend </Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text align="forceRight" weight="bold"> Impressions </Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text align="forceRight" weight="bold"> CTR </Text> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.RowDrawer drawerContents={ showdrawer ? ( <BannerSlim iconAccessibilityLabel="Recommendation" message="Increasing your daily spend could increase clicks by 20%" onDismiss={() => setShowDrawer(false)} primaryAction={{ accessibilityLabel: 'Apply for increasing your daily spend', label: 'Apply', onClick: () => {}, role: 'button', }} type="recommendation" /> ) : null } id="drawerExample" > <Table.Cell> <Text>Training treats</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">$3,200</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">3.4k</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">0.07%</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.RowDrawer> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Vegan cuisine</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">$4,200</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">5k</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">0.40%</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>Mexican cuisine</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">$5,000</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">20k</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="forceRight">0.10%</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table.Body> </Table> </Box> ); }
Sortable header cells
Sortable header cells are clickable in an accessible way and have an icon to display whether the table is currently being sorted by that column.
Depending on the table contents, use the align
property to set the alignment of the header cell and sort icon position.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function SortableHeaderExample() { const [sortOrder, setSortOrder] = useState('desc'); const [sortCol, setSortCol] = useState('name'); const onSortChange = (col) => { if (sortCol !== col) { setSortCol(col); setSortOrder('desc'); } else { setSortOrder(sortOrder === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'); } }; return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" > <Table accessibilityLabel="Sortable header cells"> <colgroup> <col span="1" style={{ width: '10%' }} /> <col span="1" style={{ width: '10%' }} /> <col span="1" style={{ width: '80%' }} /> </colgroup> <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('id')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'id' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Id</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('name')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'name' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Name</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> <Table.SortableHeaderCell align="end" onSortChange={() => onSortChange('cost')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'cost' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Cost</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.Cell> <Text>123</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Snax</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text align="end">$50</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> </Table> </Box> ); }
Sortable header cells with sticky columns
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function SortableHeaderExample() { const [sortOrder, setSortOrder] = useState('desc'); const [sortCol, setSortCol] = useState('name'); const onSortChange = (col) => { if (sortCol !== col) { setSortCol(col); setSortOrder('desc'); } else { setSortOrder(sortOrder === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'); } }; return ( <Box alignItems="center" display="flex" height="100%" justifyContent="center" > <Box width="70%"> <Table accessibilityLabel="Sortable header cells with sticky columns" stickyColumns={2} > <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('name')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'name' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Name</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('id')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'id' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Nickname</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('food')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'food' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Favorite Food</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('friend')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'friend' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Best Friend</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('birth')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'birth' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Birthdate</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('desc')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'desc' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Description</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> <Table.SortableHeaderCell onSortChange={() => onSortChange('color')} sortOrder={sortOrder} status={sortCol === 'color' ? 'active' : 'inactive'} > <Text weight="bold">Favorite Color</Text> </Table.SortableHeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> </Table> </Box> </Box> ); }
Selected & hovered state
Table.Row, Table.RowExpandable and Table.RowDrawer support hovered and selected states.
If a row subcomponent is selectable, toggle the selected
prop between "selected" and "unselected" to keep a constant border space in the row that is only visible when the row is selected.
If the row is not selectable, the selected
prop should not be set. In this case, it doesn't set a side border.
import { useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Checkbox, Table, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { const [selected, setSelectedRow] = useState([]); return ( <Box height="100%" overflow="scroll" width="100%"> <Table accessibilityLabel="Selected row example table"> <Table.Header> <Table.Row> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text /> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Selected</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Column</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Column</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> <Table.HeaderCell> <Text weight="bold">Subcomponent</Text> </Table.HeaderCell> </Table.Row> </Table.Header> <Table.Body> <Table.Row key="row1" hoverStyle="gray" selected={selected.includes('row') ? 'selected' : 'unselected'} > <Table.Cell> <Text /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Checkbox checked={selected.includes('row')} id="Row" onChange={() => setSelectedRow((value) => value.includes('row') ? value.filter((item) => item !== 'row') : [...value, 'row'] ) } size="sm" /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>value</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>value</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Table.Row</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> <Table.RowExpandable key="row2" accessibilityCollapseLabel="Collapse" accessibilityExpandLabel="Expand" expandedContents={<Text>Content</Text>} hoverStyle="gray" id="row2" selected={ selected.includes('rowExpandable') ? 'selected' : 'unselected' } > <Table.Cell> <Checkbox checked={selected.includes('rowExpandable')} id="RowExpandable" onChange={() => setSelectedRow((value) => value.includes('rowExpandable') ? value.filter((item) => item !== 'rowExpandable') : [...value, 'rowExpandable'] ) } size="sm" /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>value</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>value</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Table.RowExpandable</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.RowExpandable> <Table.RowDrawer key="row3" drawerContents={<Text>Content</Text>} hoverStyle="gray" id="row3" selected={ selected.includes('rowDrawer') ? 'selected' : 'unselected' } > <Table.Cell> <Text /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Checkbox checked={selected.includes('rowDrawer')} id="rowDrawer" onChange={() => setSelectedRow((value) => value.includes('rowDrawer') ? value.filter((item) => item !== 'rowDrawer') : [...value, 'rowDrawer'] ) } size="sm" /> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>value</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>value</Text> </Table.Cell> <Table.Cell> <Text>Table.RowDrawer</Text> </Table.Cell> </Table.RowDrawer> </Table.Body> </Table> </Box> ); }
Component quality checklist
Quality item | Status | Status description |
Figma Library | Partially ready | Component is live in Figma, however may not be available for all platforms. |
Responsive Web | Ready | Component responds to changing viewport sizes in web and mobile web. |
Modules are another way to stack multiple rows of content. However, they are used to show 2 to 3 blocks of related content, whereas Tables are used for large data sets that can be easily scanned and compared across multiple rows and columns.
Checkboxes are often used in tables to allow for selecting and editing of multiple rows at once.